Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A bite of a baby story- Work in progress

It’s raining and Rebecca is on time. The first happens regularly, the latter is a miracle, to say it simply.  Rebecca arrives in the clinic with a back pack covered in rain, her black leather boots pooling water, enough for water bugs to skate the surface of her wake. The results are coming in. She has gummy cigars, blessingways and baby toes in mind, is it a child kicking around making her ovaries light up like the sky on a full moon night?
“My prayer is that there is at least one baby swimming lazily in my belly” Rebecca says to the nurse who is donning rubbery gloves.
 “I can’t tell you, but I will be able to show you.” Says Gina the ultrasound technician steering the #### over the gelly laden landscape of Rebecca’s belly. As Gina speaks … Rebecca hears her Aunt Lil saying “Show, don’t tell.”
Aunt Lil, raised Rebecca, who came to live with her, when Lil was 35 and Rebecca was 12. Lil had no children of her own to instill her strong array of values too, when Rebecca arrived, Lil’s small and glowing kitchen was laden with vegan cakes, cookies and a watermelon filled with fruit salad, created by Lil for the Buddhist Jewish Community Fundraiser.  (c)

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